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- #include "text twiddling.h"
- #include "window layer.h"
- static asm void MyDrawHook(void);
- static ProcPtr gOldDrawHook;
- Boolean AnyTextInScrapQQ(void)
- {
- long dummy;
- LoadScrap();
- return (GetScrap(0L, 'TEXT', &dummy)!=noTypeErr);
- }
- void SetTheText(WindowPtr theWindow, Ptr data, long count)
- {
- TEHandle hTE;
- ControlHandle vScrollBar;
- hTE=GetWindowTE(theWindow);
- if (hTE==0L)
- return;
- vScrollBar=GetWindowVScrollBar(theWindow);
- TESetText(data, count, hTE);
- TESetSelect(0, 0, hTE);
- if (vScrollBar!=0L)
- AdjustVScrollBar(vScrollBar, hTE);
- }
- Boolean AnyTextQQ(WindowPtr theWindow)
- {
- TEHandle hTE;
- hTE=GetWindowTE(theWindow);
- if (hTE==0L)
- return FALSE;
- else
- return ((**hTE).teLength!=0);
- }
- Boolean AnyHighlightedQQ(WindowPtr theWindow)
- {
- TEHandle hTE;
- hTE=GetWindowTE(theWindow);
- if (hTE==0L)
- return FALSE;
- else
- return ((**hTE).selStart!=(**hTE).selEnd);
- }
- short SelectionStart(WindowPtr theWindow)
- {
- TEHandle hTE;
- hTE=GetWindowTE(theWindow);
- if (hTE==0L)
- return -1;
- return (**hTE).selStart;
- }
- short SelectionEnd(WindowPtr theWindow)
- {
- TEHandle hTE;
- hTE=GetWindowTE(theWindow);
- if (hTE==0L)
- return -1;
- return (**hTE).selEnd;
- }
- Boolean InsertBeforeStart(WindowPtr theWindow, Str255 theStr)
- {
- TEHandle hTE;
- unsigned long len;
- unsigned long oldLen;
- len=theStr[0];
- hTE=GetWindowTE(theWindow);
- oldLen=(**hTE).teLength;
- if (oldLen+len>32767)
- return FALSE;
- TEInsert(&theStr[1], len, hTE);
- return TRUE;
- }
- Boolean InsertAfterEnd(WindowPtr theWindow, Str255 theStr)
- {
- TEHandle hTE;
- unsigned long len;
- unsigned long oldLen;
- unsigned long oldSelStart;
- unsigned long oldSelEnd;
- len=theStr[0];
- hTE=GetWindowTE(theWindow);
- oldLen=(**hTE).teLength;
- if (oldLen+len>32767)
- return FALSE;
- oldSelStart=(**hTE).selStart;
- oldSelEnd=(**hTE).selEnd;
- TESetSelect(oldSelEnd, oldSelEnd, hTE);
- TEInsert(&theStr[1], len, hTE);
- TESetSelect(oldSelStart, oldSelEnd, hTE);
- return TRUE;
- }
- short TotalNumberOfLines(TEHandle hTE)
- {
- short numLines;
- numLines=(**hTE).nLines;
- if (*((unsigned char*)((long)(*((**hTE).hText))+(**hTE).teLength-1))==0x0d)
- numLines++;
- return numLines;
- }
- pascal void ScrollActionProc(ControlHandle theHandle, short partCode)
- {
- short scrollDistance;
- TEHandle hTE;
- WindowPtr theWindow;
- theWindow=(**theHandle).contrlOwner;
- if (theWindow==0L)
- return;
- hTE=GetWindowTE(theWindow);
- if (hTE==0L)
- return;
- switch (partCode)
- {
- case inUpButton:
- case inDownButton:
- scrollDistance=(**hTE).lineHeight;
- break;
- case inPageUp:
- case inPageDown:
- scrollDistance=(**hTE).viewRect.bottom-(**hTE).viewRect.top-(**hTE).lineHeight;
- break;
- default:
- scrollDistance=0;
- break;
- }
- if ((partCode==inDownButton) || (partCode==inPageDown))
- scrollDistance=-scrollDistance;
- MyMoveScrollBox(theHandle, scrollDistance/(**hTE).lineHeight);
- if (scrollDistance!=0)
- {
- TEPinScroll(0, scrollDistance, hTE);
- }
- }
- void MyMoveScrollBox(ControlHandle theControl, short scrollDistance)
- {
- short oldSetting, setting, max;
- oldSetting=GetControlValue(theControl);
- max=GetControlMaximum(theControl);
- setting=oldSetting-scrollDistance;
- if (setting<0)
- setting=0;
- else if (setting>max)
- setting=max;
- SetControlValue(theControl, setting);
- }
- void AdjustVScrollBar(ControlHandle theControl, TEHandle hTE)
- {
- short oldValue, oldMax;
- short numLines, max, value;
- oldMax=GetControlMaximum(theControl);
- oldValue=GetControlValue(theControl);
- numLines=TotalNumberOfLines(hTE);
- max=numLines-(((**hTE).viewRect.bottom-(**hTE).viewRect.top)/((**hTE).lineHeight));
- if (max<0)
- max=0;
- SetControlMaximum(theControl, max);
- value=((**hTE).viewRect.top-(**hTE).destRect.top)/((**hTE).lineHeight);
- if (value<0)
- value=0;
- else if (value>max)
- value=max;
- SetControlValue(theControl, value);
- }
- short CurrentLineNumber(TEHandle hTE)
- {
- short i;
- short currentEndPoint;
- short lineNumber;
- short numLines;
- currentEndPoint=(**hTE).selEnd;
- lineNumber=0;
- numLines=(**hTE).nLines;
- for (i=0; i<numLines; i++)
- {
- if ((**hTE).lineStarts[i]<currentEndPoint)
- lineNumber++;
- else
- return lineNumber;
- }
- return numLines;
- }
- pascal Boolean MyClikLoop(void)
- {
- Point thePoint;
- TEHandle hTE;
- WindowPtr theWindow;
- GrafPtr curPort;
- theWindow=GetFrontDocumentWindow();
- if (theWindow==0L)
- theWindow=FrontWindow();
- if (theWindow==0L)
- return FALSE;
- hTE=GetWindowTE(theWindow);
- if (hTE==0L)
- return FALSE;
- GetPort(&curPort);
- SetPort(theWindow);
- GetMouse(&thePoint);
- if (!PtInRect(thePoint, &((**hTE).viewRect)))
- {
- if (thePoint.v<((**hTE).viewRect.top))
- {
- if ((**hTE).selStart>0)
- TEPinScroll(0, (**hTE).lineHeight, hTE);
- }
- else if (thePoint.v>(**hTE).viewRect.bottom)
- {
- if ((**hTE).selEnd<(**hTE).teLength)
- TEPinScroll(0, -(**hTE).lineHeight, hTE);
- }
- AdjustVScrollBar(GetWindowVScrollBar(theWindow), hTE);
- }
- SetPort(curPort);
- return TRUE;
- }
- void AdjustForEndScroll(ControlHandle theControl, TEHandle hTE)
- {
- short numLines;
- short offset;
- numLines=TotalNumberOfLines(hTE);
- offset=numLines-GetControlMaximum(theControl)-
- (((**hTE).viewRect.bottom-(**hTE).viewRect.top)/(**hTE).lineHeight);
- if (offset<0)
- TEPinScroll(0, -offset*((**hTE).lineHeight), hTE);
- }
- #define kTextMargin 2
- /* Return a rectangle that is inset from the portRect by the size of
- the scrollbars and a little extra margin. */
- void GetTERect(WindowPtr window, Rect *teRect, Boolean adjustForScrollBars)
- {
- *teRect = window->portRect;
- InsetRect(teRect, kTextMargin, kTextMargin); /* adjust for margin */
- if (adjustForScrollBars)
- {
- teRect->bottom = teRect->bottom - 15; /* and for the scrollbars */
- teRect->right = teRect->right - 15;
- }
- }
- /* Update the TERec's view rect so that it is the greatest multiple of
- the lineHeight that still fits in the old viewRect. */
- void AdjustViewRect(TEHandle docTE)
- {
- TEPtr te;
- te = *docTE;
- te->viewRect.bottom = (((te->viewRect.bottom - te->viewRect.top) / te->lineHeight)
- * te->lineHeight) + te->viewRect.top;
- }
- /* Re-calculate the position and size of the viewRect and the scrollbars.
- kScrollTweek compensates for off-by-one requirements of the scrollbars
- to have borders coincide with the growbox. */
- #define kScrollbarWidth 16
- #define kScrollbarAdjust (kScrollbarWidth-1)
- #define kScrollTweek 2
- void AdjustScrollSizes(WindowPtr window, TEHandle hTE, ControlHandle vScrollBar,
- ControlHandle hScrollBar)
- {
- Rect teRect;
- GetTERect(window, &teRect, TRUE); /* start with TERect */
- (**hTE).viewRect = teRect;
- (**hTE).destRect.left=(**hTE).viewRect.left;
- (**hTE).destRect.right=(**hTE).viewRect.right;
- MoveControl(vScrollBar, window->portRect.right - kScrollbarAdjust, -1);
- SizeControl(vScrollBar, kScrollbarWidth, (window->portRect.bottom -
- window->portRect.top) - (kScrollbarAdjust - kScrollTweek));
- MoveControl(hScrollBar, -1, window->portRect.bottom - kScrollbarAdjust);
- SizeControl(hScrollBar, (window->portRect.right -
- window->portRect.left) - (kScrollbarAdjust - kScrollTweek),
- kScrollbarWidth);
- }
- void AdjustTE(TEHandle hTE, ControlHandle vScrollBar, ControlHandle hScrollBar)
- {
- TEPtr te;
- te = *hTE;
- TEScroll((te->viewRect.left - te->destRect.left) -
- GetControlValue(hScrollBar),
- ((te->viewRect.top - te->destRect.top)/te->lineHeight) -
- GetControlValue(vScrollBar),
- hTE);
- }
- void DrawTheShadowBox(Rect theRect, Boolean eraseBackground)
- {
- theRect.right-=2;
- theRect.bottom-=2;
- if (eraseBackground)
- EraseRect(&theRect);
- FrameRect(&theRect);
- MoveTo(theRect.left+3, theRect.bottom+1);
- Line(theRect.right-theRect.left-2, 0);
- Line(0, -theRect.bottom+theRect.top+3);
- MoveTo(theRect.left+3, theRect.bottom);
- Line(theRect.right-theRect.left-3, 0);
- Line(0, -theRect.bottom+theRect.top+4);
- }
- void ZapDrawHook(TEHandle hTE)
- {
- ProcPtr temp;
- temp=(ProcPtr)MyDrawHook;
- TECustomHook(intDrawHook, &temp, hTE);
- gOldDrawHook=temp;
- }
- void RestoreDrawHook(TEHandle hTE)
- {
- ProcPtr temp;
- temp=gOldDrawHook;
- TECustomHook(intDrawHook, &temp, hTE);
- }
- static asm void MyDrawHook(void)
- {
- rts
- }